Saturday, April 5, 2014

Branding, SEO, and online presence

What are Branding, SEO, and online presence doing for you?

I have been working for Google now a few years and everywhere Google places the most accurate search results that match your inquiry.  If you would like to stand out, to brand you, your services or goods search and find great content through Google search.  Then when you perfect your knowledge write good content on your blog, your website or use word press to gain followers on Twitter and Facebook.

As people notice great works they share them with their friends, co-workers etc. The more articles posted will do the most in growing your businesses. Also a good fine tuned Google AdWords Campaign will bring you new clients and shoppers. Let me share a little of things I have learned at Google about Advertising Campaigns.

I started my own campaign awhile back to learn the ropes at campaigning with Google.  I made plenty of mistakes or rather blunders and lack of good content. I have since learned the word selection processes offer at Google There are endless articles on word selection for all campaigns, plus Google has the best word selection software built right into it operation. It is a tedious learning process that can be costly. I recall loses that hurt my budget. I also recall all my past errors in word selections, setting spend limits, CPC’s; I am here now to share with you that you either learn the ropes on your own, or to help you locate trained professional like myself.

My first blunder; was spending hundreds on a campaign before I had all my tracking codes in place. I found out the hard way that without the correct codes properly placed I had no clue how effective my ads were, nor could I see where my traffic was coming from; I liken tracking code to using your side and rear view mirrors while driving your car.