Saturday, November 22, 2014

I need your Help

Lion Enterprise

Breaking News
      Under this present economy I feel someone has to do their part; and that includes; me and you. I for my part have (so to speak) put my hand to the plow and I do not intend to turn back! In “the Gordian Knot Foundation” we are, “cutting out the obstacles in the lives of those oppressed.” So they may live a happy and prosperous life. I intend to provide jobs and avenues to industrious persons desiring to break out of their poverty
      I am building a Network of people to one cause-achieving financial freedom. I am not just appealing to people who are under the poverty line, but most especially to persons like yourself who wish to help others achieve what you have. I am appealing to you for help of many kinds.
      I would like you to go to my blogger and comment. Comment on any and all articles I have shared; thus, by signing in you are officially added as a member of this foundation. By doing so you set an example to others who frequent here and; you avoid the membership fee. Furthermore, you will be added to my list of members, receive our Newsletter, and can contribute to this cause with your information and feedback and give someone else a chance to achieve as you have.
      There is still a long road ahead, but my timely request for your assistance will hopefully assist me in building a functioning avenue of helps to those less fortunate. I have been struggling since the onslaught of Schizophrenia to write an Autobiography, Start an Advertising agency, and build the beginnings of a network of people all joined together to end the strife of those less fortunate.

      So without further ado Please leave this page and go to Gordian Knot Foundation and you might find a reward you never dreamed and you will help awaken my dream.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gain new clients, Best Wisconsin marketing agency

Gordian Knots Help Networks 
working endlessly 
to provide
  • Try to help me get this book into the people who suffer with mental health issues
  • Please help me get the word out via this blog so other sufferers can access this data base of helpful literature and medias?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Reason "Do not use Methamphetamine"

If you are thinking of trying Crystal Meth, (smoking, sniffing, or shooting it) please be advised the effects are far reaching and even deadly. The effects on the brain alone should likely deter a person from using. After some time of using one soon appears as one with Parkinson, and after lengthy use sensory perception in the "Pleasure" center of one's brain ceases to nothing; where one can not experience pleasure. People using Meth become angry argumentative, controlling and mean; even violent. Many users turn to illegal activities to supply their addiction like theft, and burglary; all to keep that feeling of euphoria going. Effects on the bodies of users are feeling like bugs are crawling under your skin, delusional thinking gives way to feeling one is a Sex god(dess) and is performing at peak when in reality, their sensory perceptions are distorted and their libido is damaged, decay and loss of teeth, leasions on skin, weight loss, loss of coordination, etc.
"There [are] a whole variety of reasons to try methamphetamine," explains Dr. Richard Rawson, associate director of UCLA's Integrated Substance Abuse Programs. "[H]owever, once they take the drug … their reasons are pretty much the same: They like how it affects their brain[s]." Meth users have described this feeling as a sudden rush of pleasure lasting for several minutes, followed by a euphoric high that lasts between six and 12 hours, and it is the result of drug causing the brain to release excessive amounts of the chemical dopamine, a neurotransmitter that controls pleasure.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Lion Enterprise/ Osowski Publications Requests to Google for Neighborhood Google 2nd US retail location be in Nekoosa, WI

By Michael Kitchen
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Google Inc. GOOG +3.72%  may be near signing a lease for what would be its first-ever U.S. retail location, Crain's New York Business reported Monday, citing unnamed "retail experts." The store would be located in New York City's SoHo neighborhood, with a second report from VentureBeat noting the 8,000-square-foot property is down the street from Apple Inc.'s AAPL +1.44%  own SoHo outlet. Google launched its first Android store in the Australian city of Melbourne in 2011 and also runs shops in Europe, VentureBeat said. Neither report was confirmed by Google
This building, (a Mom & Pop store) is located on Hwy 73 and Z. It has an attached residence dwelling. I would like to request back Me and my Company in this the first of a chain of Google stores. The more sellers; the more sales. At only $1,000.00 rent per month this would be affordable, practical, and would thus help "Cut-out my Gordian Knot" by helping produce a good income. Thank you Google for your consideration on this. Please send me confirmation when you decide.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

See Our Iintroduction in its entirety

Microsoft converted my

Monday, June 23, 2014

Today, June 23,2014 Prediction via

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Hi James! Here is your Daily WorkScope for Monday, June 23
Today's the day -- your reward is coming for all the hard work and extra hours you've put in recently. Even if you haven't won the workplace lottery per se, it still feels pretty good to be ahead of the game and recognized for your effort and successes!

Have Lion Enterprise handle your SEO

* What are Branding, SEO, and online presence doing for you?I have been working for Google now a few years and everywhere Google places the most accurate search results that match your inquiry. If you would like to stand out, to brand you, your services or goods search and find great content through Google search. Then when you perfect your knowledge write good content on your blog, your website or use word press to gain followers on Twitter and Facebook.As people notice great works they share them with their friends, co-workers etc. The more articles posted will do the most in growing your businesses. Also a good fine tuned Google AdWords Campaign will bring you new clients and shoppers. Let me share a little of things I have learned at Google about Advertising Campaigns.I started my own campaign awhile back to learn the ropes at campaigning with Google. I made plenty of mistakes or rather blunders and lack of good content. I have since learned the word selection processes offer at Google There are endless articles on word selection for all campaigns, plus Google has the best word selection software built right into it operation. It is a tedious learning process that can be costly. I recall loses that hurt my budget. I also recall all my past errors in word selections, setting spend limits, CPC’s; I am here now to share with you that you either learn the ropes on your own, or to help you locate trained professional like myself.My first blunder; was spending hundreds on a campaign before I had all my tracking codes in place. I found out the hard way that without the correct codes properly placed I had no clue how effective my ads were, nor could I see where my traffic was coming from; I liken tracking code to using your side and rear view mirrors while driving your car.Now with tracking code placed one sees where the traffic is coming from and can then fine tune a campaigns word selections and spending; one can achieve a lot with even a small budget. Then the only question one might have is, “How many new clients can I handle?”<br>
Lion Enterprise

anti-psychotic medications

I am so happy these days and life is easier. I believe taking that old combination of anti-psychotic medications kept me somewhat in an altered frame of mind. It is hard to describe and I feel time will show even more reasons in the Doctors thinking to modify my medication. I experience long periods where delusional thinking is practically nonexistent. I have intelligent conversations with real people and can hold my own in an argument. That’s new. When I’m taking my medications properly, I can distinguish when my mind is slipping into old patterns!  
 “Patterns imply that now they are seen as such and are then given to reason and repair, it can be identified, dealt with and/or fixed.”  
 Self-control being my choice today brings productivity. And love is the true victor. So; family, come together with me and share in my joy. I have always wished to be in one accord with you. Together we can perceive a life of hope. We the victors speak not in riddles but with the eyes of a child, you can now see our love. So open your eyes to us and help us know the world you have always experienced. We do not desire to be alone any longer. We want to feel, to love, and to give. We have been trapped inside our minds of strangeness’. Out of the closet of confusion, we walk into a new life where we can perform this task of life and reap a better life. We enjoy things we once knew as a child. We again feel connected and can imagine you in your life of ease. And what’s more; “...the day is coming that we who listen hear what’s inside you. As you share from your experience we now know what it feels like to join in. Mom and Dad are smiling down on me and feel tears for my lifespan; tears of relief and joy.”  
In todays' update I want to share my progress with my Publications company, my Book revision and status reports.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I believe we were around since the beginning of time, that our souls are repeating history and forever. In this knowledge one finds life simpler and more attainable. What is success, how does one measure it? To me success is developed everyday; if at the end of a day I can say I treated everyone with dignity and respect, then truly I had a successful rewarding day. Now being a poor soul these days I find myself mixing with other poor folk. Poverty stricken folk are the same as any other soul. One finds all types and lifestyles. If I were prejudice I might easily be overly critical of these people because of only small differences. I have been on this life journey now 57 years. In this time the only successes I've realized have been the ones where I had to be compassionate and reach out in a helpful kind of way. I am living my life for others, and for myself, I constantly give myself perception checks to see I do not step on others. If I am not giving others a sense of dignity I am failing and must do a double take, realign, and step back in. See, once a person finds their "
" life turns in a dance, the melodies seem sweeter, and everyone dances together without discourse.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Model of Someone I look-up to! If you want to see the English version Use the Translator option.

Presentation Introduction to The Gordian Knot Foundation

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Branding, SEO, and online presence

What are Branding, SEO, and online presence doing for you?

I have been working for Google now a few years and everywhere Google places the most accurate search results that match your inquiry.  If you would like to stand out, to brand you, your services or goods search and find great content through Google search.  Then when you perfect your knowledge write good content on your blog, your website or use word press to gain followers on Twitter and Facebook.

As people notice great works they share them with their friends, co-workers etc. The more articles posted will do the most in growing your businesses. Also a good fine tuned Google AdWords Campaign will bring you new clients and shoppers. Let me share a little of things I have learned at Google about Advertising Campaigns.

I started my own campaign awhile back to learn the ropes at campaigning with Google.  I made plenty of mistakes or rather blunders and lack of good content. I have since learned the word selection processes offer at Google There are endless articles on word selection for all campaigns, plus Google has the best word selection software built right into it operation. It is a tedious learning process that can be costly. I recall loses that hurt my budget. I also recall all my past errors in word selections, setting spend limits, CPC’s; I am here now to share with you that you either learn the ropes on your own, or to help you locate trained professional like myself.

My first blunder; was spending hundreds on a campaign before I had all my tracking codes in place. I found out the hard way that without the correct codes properly placed I had no clue how effective my ads were, nor could I see where my traffic was coming from; I liken tracking code to using your side and rear view mirrors while driving your car.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Thank you Microsoft for giving me This Picture for my "TitlePage Image"
In this book, I have said I would take you on a journey. I must clarify my statement; I will take you only as far as you can understand. For you to understand you must first think of me as say, the conductor on this train (of thought) and that for you to follow the story you must first try to understand from a schizophrenic’s view. You must accept the delusions and illusions as fact for you to follow the whole course of the journey. Only then does any of it make sense. 
The reason (I believe) is because the way a schizophrenic’s
thoughts work can be best described as such; “…because there is a chemical called serotonin in the brain that helps thought jump from one thought to the next, and because this chemical is out of balance in the mind of a schizophrenic; the thoughts do not connect properly and they become distorted.” 
My friend said she understood it best when I described it like this. “If thoughts are derived in cells then when the thoughts jump from one cell to the next (and because the serotonin is out of balance) then when the thought tries to jump from one cell to the next logical thought that thought will jump to a different thought than the one that would logically follow. The result being the second thought does not jive with the previous thought giving the mind to misinterpret any given message. 
I have seen a scan of a “normal” human brain compared to one of a schizophrenic. In the normal brain, there is usually one area of the brain lit-up indicating brain activity. While in the mind of a schizophrenic, one finds throughout the brain erratic activity is seen and there are areas lit-up throughout the entire brain. 
I liken it to a Christmas tree all lit-up with blinking lights. In a “normal brain”, the lights would light-up in a pattern, while in my mind one would see the lights blinking erratically throughout the entire brain. 
These two excerpts from my latest version sum up why Microsoft was willing to let me use this picture of a train in a terminal! I would like my readers, readers of both my book and my blog to understand Schizophenia, how our thought become distorted, furthermore, "Attention all passengers, this train is leaving for destinations undisclosed as of yet; "Just nevermind!" When you get there you will understand!" My blog is one destination, another might be a "NewJob" 

“Developed to: -help rid the hurdles; (the mentally handicapped, displaced workers, and returning Veteran) people experience as a result of their malady. To Cut-Out their Gordian knot, by cutting out the
‘Obstacles of their oppression’.”
Statement of Purpose

   Our purpose can be summed-up in one phrase; we help remove the obstacles in the lives of those oppressed. By oppressed we mean individuals who; because of family, community or by some physical, mental, or situational malady, or the State become restricted in the pursuit of a good and fruitful life.”
 This organization is not just being built for those individuals who suffer from a mental illness; but, also the families and community they reside in. And for anyone experiencing difficulty piecing a life together, including Veterans, or displaced workers.  
We are not here simply for financial assistance; but for family intervention (to aid families having difficulties with a patient so they will learn to achieve a better life than they are currently experiencing.) We offer intervention in court issues; local State, and Federal level. Ideally we would that people have a strong knowledge base, a divergent Network of people connected for this one purpose, “To remove any Gordian knot; (any almost inextricable barrier) that keeps them from having a meaningful, Productive life.”