Friday, January 17, 2014

Response to Feedback about my book

A friend of mine, after reading the first edition of this book told me she felt my book and the stories about my life seemed so dreary. Let me assure you; my life and the effects of schizophrenia were far from dreary. I needed to show the entire picture of how my life has gone.    Therefore, I decided to rewrite this book myself, in all honesty and retrospect. Because the first version; written by both myself and my ex, was distorted in itself; I thought if I talked about and believed it strong enough that the relationship was as I confessed it to be; then that faith would make it just as I dreamed it could be even though it was not accurate. This friend also told me she felt I might possibly be called as a modern day profit.    I would not mind that if I felt I truly had some sort of line on the divine, but I am a poor case of a “Lost Soul”; same as many people in this world. I think sometimes people are severely misguided just as me. However, I believe if people would join hands and strive for the finer things and aspirations our world could be more balanced. In addition, we would not see as much injustice and hardship the majority of this world experience.  
“If I could prophecy and actually help shape this world I would say something like”:     “Please, let us first stop fighting, take up a greater cause; one not so self- oriented and start considering our fellow human kind with more dignity, respect, encouragement and assistance (in terms of knowledge and opportunity).and strive for economic equality. If we could do this; no one excluded, we would find the euphoria this world is always in “Search of”.   Everyone lives for their own “feel-good“; and until we begin letting others go first, attain and prosper, only then will we find true peace within, because it is pure joy seeing the downtrodden finally having their day in the sun. In addition; for the people who do not aspire to this philosophy, shame on you.   This world has too long been geared for the selfishly attained and self- made contentedness that only satisfies you!
 “Don't you think ...? is time to change this, and start letting others in?””  James @ Google

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