Friday, July 26, 2013

Blogger: Gordian Knot Blogs - All posts

Blogger: Gordian Knot Blogs - All posts:

'via Blog this'Books and Publications - About - Google+
'via Blog this'As a child I was a very quiet boy, and I Languidly absorbed everything I could about the world, my family, behaviors, news flashes, and had a very intimate connection with God. As I developed I excelled well in school, loved to draw, and watch Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (ironic, I should be a Pisces). In my teen years I would hop the train in Junction city and ride it to Wisconsin Rapids. Life was great, I thought. Then I did what most kids back then did, I drank, partied, smoked, and was a social Butterfly. I finished my Junior year at Lincoln High School with enough credits to graduate; but the school would not let me graduate. So, in my senior year I just F'd Off my schooling. I did end up graduating in 1975. I believe I ranked 576 out of a class of about 580. Est. 

I have sixteen brothers and sisters. I was the ninth. I recall my older brothers always pulling practical jokes on me. On one such occasion, they built a Lion's pit in the barn's hayloft, tied twine across the opening, scattered loose hay across the web of twine so as to not disclose it's presence. Then they would run around the hay loft telling me, "Hurry Jimmy, you got to catch us, faster Jimmy, faster." After they got me following right on their heals; They approached the Lion's Pit, and jumped across. As I was probably only five or six, I could not jump as far as they; I just kept right on running. Guess what? I ran right over the pit; but, only got on step, and fell to the bottom; pulling all the bails of hay that were tied together on top of myself at the bottom of the pit. My brothers just rolled in laughter as I struggled to get out from under the entangled net and pile of bails. as I scaled the walls of this lion's pit, my brothers all continued laughing hysterically until tears flowed. Maybe that is why after graduation, Sister Josephe Marie Flynn would receive a scripture, about me *'Then the lioness (Sister Josephe) had a son (that she advised in the way) would grow-up to to be a Mighty Lion with a Fierce Roar!'


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