Starting the day for a Schizophrenic
'via Blog this' Good morning everyone,here with news from Lion Enterprise. I started my day as usual in a cloud of fog. My thoughts were quite scrambled. After taking my medication I started thinking more rationally. Schizophrenia is sometimes very debilitating, even while using medication. Today as usual I woke distressed. After medication time it took considerable effort discerning my future plans and course of action for the day. I wake very early so usually know one sees me in this troubled confused state as everyone is still sleeping. So how do I get my thoughts back on track. Usually I carry on a conversation with these conflicting thoughts. Eventually they clear up and I see the reality that I found the day before. Without this inner dialogue, my thoughts remain jumbled and should someone cross my path I (if we exchange words); I might seem like I am in another world; which I am. Then they if they are trying to empathise would hear me struggling within my mind, and in my actions and words. In all relations and interactions I find these are not a good time to be around people(though I have had friends who naturally knew how to take me.) Now today was a little out of the ordinary as my conflicts within were winning over and stopping me from seeing things in realistic perspective. Why am I sharing this? I am thinking of the day when some other person might be equally distressed and need to discover a way out into the light. If you have followed this blog you see I talk of all aspects and share divergent topics. Sometimes I share things as they relate to my business, other times I share something or comment on something I located on the internet or lifes experiences. Where am I going with this? Into the reality I am trying to instill in my life, and I am sharing it because there will come a day when someone else in this same boat might be searching for an answer to their own troubles. Today , or soon I want to find a way to incorporate a site map into this blog where visitors can Look-up a subject, key it in; and search will take then to the topic. I forgot, there is a search option, not sure though. I would that persons visiting here find what they are looking for. I need this blog more organized. And I need consistently better and better content. If a company were looking into our Marketing or web development, they could for example type "SEO" or "Social Ads" and they will be taken to an article I wrote on the subject. This will take time to build a database of good accurate content. I will be constantly posting articles on subjects that can show up on search results on the web. I am a one man company right now, but I have great exposure that shows up in search results. I just have to strive always to stay on task. This discipline is greatly needed to maintain my sanity. Plus researchers when searching will find accurate Information. With this company being just one person, I am strapped with things to do to get ranked well; because I am flighty in my mind and there are three areas I have determined to represent, I must stay focused. and make sure the information I post in correctly categorized. This is great therapy for me. And who knows maybe someday other sufferers will frequent these pages often to effect a change in their own regime. I foresee the day people will come here and to Google and achieve their dreams (just as I am); If my blog assists , Great! I will likely categorize this post under Mental Stabilizers or the likes. And have it filed as such in the Site map. Keep up your faith in me please I know I can pull this off. With everyone's help we will start to see more comments, shares, likes, and +'s. Thank you all who frequent here. Soon I will fill my followers in on some great tactics to pull this together for themselves. Matter of fact; should anyone be on a job search I might suggest picking an area of expertise, research it, and this could qualify you for a position here, especially if you come here often, post you feedback, or ask questions; you would work yourself into a job with us. One area of study you could assuredly get a position here in is Google AdWords campaign management, or Google Analytics. Or, if you are a good writer you could help with rich accurate articles. I would also suggest you begin now, on a voluntary basis; just as I am doing now for Google. Good luck all. Thanks for reading; happy ventures await you here at Lion Enterprise!
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